Sept. 14 dock life Pago Pago style

Chesapeake really needs a thorough cleaning and it’s a good time to mail excess items home via the U.S. Postal Service.  Packing 7 boxes on a sailboat is like working in a small closet.

I should also mention since we are next to the working dock, which operates 24 hours a day, the freighter next door has enormous deck lights on and it’s nearly impossible for me to sleep at night so Jim has plenty of sleepless nights too.

Going back and forth across 3 boats to get to shore is a real workout when you have a dozen grocery bags.

Our shower is a bit awkward with the Police Dept. in full view, but hey, I’m not complaining because it is fresh running water.

Ah the buses.  We have great public transportation here, they run continuously, you wave ’em down and it’s cheap.  They’re made of basic wood construction and each one is individually owned and decorated.  Music videos come with many of the buses and coming home from our first trip out we got to watch Pavarotti and Jon Bon Jovi singing together at a Liberian relief concert.  It felt strange listening to them and watching waves break on shore as we rattled down the road among the palm trees.

Since we were rafted out into the working harbor, it gave us some too-close-for-comfort views of the supply ships coming and going.

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